Saturday 18 July 2015

Prejudging in Relationships

Judge beforehand without possessing adequate evidence defines prejudgement. In the journey of life people do presume the reflections and discussions for their loved ones without acknowledging their opinion on that matter which can leads to build a resigning nature of them towards their relationship. However, considering the behavior of protective and supportive can become too complex if the person who is getting looked after and loved start feeling chained in their love and decisions. We are looking at five challenges faced by a Prejudged Relationship as described:


MATURITY Prejudge relationship between family members/ spouse/ friend can lead one of the partners to become independent and amateur. Also, one of person will become controlling among other by finalizing his opinion. For example; a lot of parents decide the career for their children rather than let them face challenges and take experience from their own mistakes. Additionally, let them decide what they enjoy the most to do in their life, which can create rough relationship between people.

 CONFIDENCE With the lack of management of their life people become unconfidential and irresponsibility for their career; they also end up in making wrong decisions for their life. People who look for a supportive system on their back every time can not lead or manage a good relation. For example; many couples get married because they fallen for their beloved at one site, tragically few of them end up with getting divorce and separation because they are not confident about living in that relation anymore. It is a good example of many young couples prejudging about their partners and end up getting stuck in a relation with no happy ending.

ADMINISTERED One of the partners will also face the fact of getting supervised and told for their daily work needs by the other. It can also be summarized as a relationship of a supervisor and a employee. As both of them respect and love equally but the supervisor will always take the charge of the employee. For instance, in majority of the relationships males take control over the female partner even if they are spouse or friends which is not a great news to hear because till male partner does not ask and  maintain a friendly relation with female partner, the relation will be running on prejudgement and can result in cheating with each other.

 ACHIEVEMENTS Relations are symbols of strength, support and love but if a person or any relative predicts future goals or the directions to achieve the goals that relation can be damaged easily. For every person, all have their own dreams and goals that they want to achieve in their life. Additionally, the journey become more beautiful if the other partner or the relatives around them motivate and appreciate for their hard work. But it can result badly if the relatives will become thorns on the road of success. For example; if your friend who is bankrupt and in debt; however advise you to do the same investments he did because of the doubtful prejudgement of a friendly relation, still the decision should be made on the basis of the future plans not because of a friendship.

COMMUNICATIONS Communicating with people around can help them knowing you as a better individual rather than let them predicting about you. Words and body language is the best tool of projecting an image of a person. However, it can be challenging in a way if the person is not outspoken and quiet which results in giving other people a chance to prejudge the one and expect them to be like the same. As if two people went on a blind date and hesitate to open themselves to each other but it makes them look different from their actual personality.

 With a conclusion, its all have been said that relations are about understanding, trusting and motivating each other. So do not prejudge and estimate someone till you don’t know them enough for making an statement. 

Have a Great Day!